• In this millennium, a former industrial area in the southern part of Herning has been transformed to a modern and popular residential area.
• A plan for the area was approved by the city council in the late 1990’s, and the first residential buildings appeared in a few years later.
• Today the area is almost completely changed, and hundreds of new apartments in different price ranges has appeared. So far, one of three planned 12-story buildings has been erected.
• The area has a number of apartments reserved for senior citizens as well as apartments for students and living-communities for disabled people.
En lille ekstra
Herning vokser by. I 2006 havde byen Herning 44.437 indbyggere. Den 1. januar 2017 var antallet steget til 49.229, en stigning på cirka 11 procent på 10 år. Hele kommunen havde 88.386 indbyggere fra 1. januar 2017.