• Herning has been an important logistical centre for many years because several main rods cross in the city.
• Since the 1980’s Herning’s politicians, businesses and other interest have worked to improve the road-infra-structure
• In 2002 Herning got the first stretch of highway, and in the following years new highways have opened in many directions. Today Herning is connected to Vejle - and E45 on the European Highway-system - to the South and to Aarhus in the East. In May 2017 a highway west of Herning was opened. In 2018 this highway will be expanded to Holstebro to the North.
A little extra
Herning is actually the first Danish city to have a complete ring road of high velocity roads. The construction of the roads have had a pleasant side-effect: A number of new lakes have been established in and around Herning, including Fuglsang Lake, that is now a popular beach and recreational area.